practice areas

Free Case Reviews

We offer a free initial case review to all our prospective clients so that we can tell them about their legal rights and answer their questions.

Navigating Complex System

The legal system is complex and intimidating. We have the legal experience and knowledge to navigate this hard system so that you focus on family and recovery.


We are devoted to keeping you well-informed. In case you contact us with a question, then we will answer it. We can collect and preserve valuable evidence.

Trial Lawyers

Our attorneys are ready for trial if the opposing party doesn’t come to a fair and just settlement. Our lawyers have an outstanding trial and win experience.

Handling Insurance Companies

Our great reputation as trial lawyers, knowledge about the law and our ability to negotiate offers our clients a benefit of getting the best settlement.


We have secured many millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Together we have years of experience in handling personal injury cases.

Stellar Reputation

We are highly recognized by the defense lawyers, insurance companies and judges for our quality of work, professionalism, and advocacy. We have earned it.

practice areas